Thursday, October 15, 2009

Fun Picture and New Channel

I'm working far ahead on the heels of a busy weekend and Jury Duty next week. I keep videos live much longer than I used to. I just finished editing another one which has an Unsuspecting Co-Host. It should be live by mid week.

Here is a shot of me I took for me for Daily Booth. I'm taping my hosting part of the latest video. The script stand usually isn't there, but with a co-host it's nice to have their words there to reference.
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Another piece of news is...I opened a second YouTube channel. I participated in Chartjackers and didn't want to have the videos on my main channel. BillTvMacon2 (or as I call it, the Blue Channel) will probably feature some short videos relating to videos on the main channel. I'm testing to see if old videos are being deleted from the original Bill Tv video tapes. YouTube has adopted a policy where they put an Amazon/ iTunes banner if copyrighted music is used. I really like this idea.

Monday, October 5, 2009

More Info

I am a big believer in the More Info area of the new YouTube design. I consider it the most underused but critical tool of the experience. Friends joke about me having so many links in it but it is a helpful way to inform, cross reference or direct viewers to requested information.

In my "2000 Subs" video I had a request as to where they could get a t-shirt I as wearing. It so happens that I had a link to Captain Wilhelm's 80's Hero Shirts (and US store) in the "More Info" area. In my video I made a comment about how his video mirrored the 1000 Subs video and a link to it is there. You get the idea.
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