Thursday, December 4, 2008

Charlie Challange

There is a popular vlogger on YouTube named CharlieIsSoCoolLike. Thousands of subscribers. Yesterday he asked folks to video reply to his post about Best Friends. I made a video and posted it. An amazing thing happened. My subscriptions went up from 52 to 59 overnight. I had no idea this would happen. The video views are at 222 as of now and I posted the video yesterday about 5PM EST.

I don't really do my videos to be popular, although I love that people like them. It's the creative process I enjoy. When I did the radio show it was the actual performance of live radio that I enjoyed. There is so much talent on YouTube. There's no magic formula why some are more popular than others. In a kind way, Charlie is allowing those who post to introduce their videos to a new audience. So, to that I say, Thanks!

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